Domino on Solaris anyone?
I encountered a number of installations here where Domino is running on Solaris on SPARC I found at least one reference of Domino running on Solaris 10. However I didn't find information about running Domino on Solaris on x86 platforms. I'm particularity interested in the combination Solaris10/Domino 6.5.x. The official IBM site is a bit blur on that. Sun has these neat AMD based servers, so I wonder:
a) does it work?
b) how does it perform?
Anyone enlighten me?
On IBM's official platform page for Domino Solaris 10 is not listed. Solaris 8/9 are listed without a platform mentioned. At least one engineer has confirmed, that Domino7 will be certified on Solaris 10/Sparc. Finally - well hidden in the release notes of Notes 5.0.11 there is the confirmation, that Domino6 will not run on Solaris/x86. They could state that on the platform page.
Update II (July 2005):
Christophe tried it and failed. However there is a new hope. Lxrun might make it possible or even more likely: since IBM renewed their contracts with Sun, a future release might have Solaris x86 on the roadmap.
a) does it work?
b) how does it perform?
Anyone enlighten me?

On IBM's official platform page for Domino Solaris 10 is not listed. Solaris 8/9 are listed without a platform mentioned. At least one engineer has confirmed, that Domino7 will be certified on Solaris 10/Sparc. Finally - well hidden in the release notes of Notes 5.0.11 there is the confirmation, that Domino6 will not run on Solaris/x86. They could state that on the platform page.
Update II (July 2005):
Christophe tried it and failed. However there is a new hope. Lxrun might make it possible or even more likely: since IBM renewed their contracts with Sun, a future release might have Solaris x86 on the roadmap.
Posted by Stephan H Wissel on 11 May 2005 | Comments (2) | categories: IBM Notes Lotus Notes