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DogMind - Escaped from the Lab

IBM internally runs a Technology Adoption Program (TAP for short). TAP follows the principle: "Let us throw it at the wall and see what sticks", means: it is our breeding ground for innovation. All internal software and all products go through TAP before they graduate into "released software" or "good to use for all". I think this is very smart. I like trying new stuff and balance between leading and bleeding edge. Others are less adventurous. TAP allows me to try things within the boundaries of our corporate governance. Real nice things come out of TAP. One, wich I'm particular fond of, is a new visualization for Lotus Connections Dogear bookmarks. It is called DogMind. It is using a mindmap to draw on tags in Dogear to visualize connections.

Posted by on 04 February 2009 | Comments (1) | categories: Software


  1. posted by john wylie on Thursday 05 February 2009 AD:
    Hi Stephan

    Thanks for the hint. I've had a play with DogMind and quite like it. I guess that the mindmap is built from the tags associated with the individual bookmarks. It's quite effective.

