If it isn't in a regulation, it's not German - DIN SPEC 77224 Customer Experience Management
Heise online informs us (German) about the new DIN SPEC 77224 specification ( DIN is the German national equivalent to ISO, ISO specifications are automatically adopted by DIN, but being German we have extras) for "Customer Experience Management" (CEM). The Heise article links to an insightful presentation by Prof. Dr. Gouthier that explains the why and how. CEM aims beyond customer satisfaction (which has an ISO definition already: ISO 9000:2008 as part of TQM) at "Customer amazement". Customer amazement is the external face of the internal drive for "service excellence" (Which sadly way too often gets confused with "Processes that nicely fit into some arbitrary metric"). The definition has seven parts:

- Senior management's responsibility for service excellence
- Aligning of resource towards excellence
- Avoidance of mistakes and wastage
- Capturing of all customer experiences
- Customer amazement through service innovation
- Measurement of amazement
- Measurement of profitability

Posted by Stephan H Wissel on 31 July 2011 | Comments (0) | categories: Business