Vista dreams shattered
I wanted to know what it takes to run Vista. So I headed over to CNet's " Are you ready for Vista" Advisor:
Seems like I'm in for some serious hardware shopping. This looks more tempting every day. Anyhow I moved most of the data off NTFS onto a NAS and experiment with an alternative. My nice from Australia is here for a visit and after a week she hasn't figured out, that it is not Windows she uses to read here email.

Seems like I'm in for some serious hardware shopping. This looks more tempting every day. Anyhow I moved most of the data off NTFS onto a NAS and experiment with an alternative. My nice from Australia is here for a visit and after a week she hasn't figured out, that it is not Windows she uses to read here email.

Posted by Stephan H Wissel on 19 December 2006 | Comments (5) | categories: Software