What happened when - the Notes 1-9 time line
The history of Lotus IBM Notes makes an interesting read (there's a Wikipedia version too). Since 1989 (that's 24 years) Notes has delivered releases that are fiercely backwards compatible™. I loaded the nifty fifty into a current Notes client and the R2 databases worked (after a compact) just fine. I like to put things into perspective:
There are a few factoids that are quite interesting:

There are a few factoids that are quite interesting:
- Linux is almost as old as Notes
- The first public release of MS Exchange was 4.0 when Notes released 4.5. Ein Schelm wer einen Zufall vermutet
- Symbian predated Blackberry by 5 years
- Sharepoint was introduced in the same year as IE6, could there be coincidences to the pain level?
- Android was released in the same year as the iPhone, but it took a year before phones were available
- There seems to be a huge period of inactivity after the 5.0 release.
However there were not less than 12 point releases of the 5.0 code stream (5.0.1 - 5.0.13) with 5.0.8 the most popular (as I recall). - The biggest expansion of Notes were the following versions 6.0 / 6.5. So if history, as common saying goes, repeats itself, we are in for interesting days for Notes 9.0
- 2004/2005 was a big year for Internet technology: the term Ajax was coined, Ubuntu and Firefox had their 1.0 release
- There seems to be a huge gap between 8.5 and 9.0 of 5 years. However in each of this years IBM delivered a point release with new functionality (just some highlights listed, check the full release notes to see all): Of course that version policy has a dark side: business users typically don't care for the numbers behind the dot and perceived Notes as "in maintenance mode" while it is alive and kicking
Posted by Stephan H Wissel on 21 January 2013 | Comments (3) | categories: IBM Notes